‘Benchmarks & Revenue Projections’

More content-more advertisers

By end of 2rd year, we anticipate ten million ‘plus’ weekly visitors,

compounded semi-annually


Introducing Vanilla AI - GPT-3 Internet NLP - B2B - B2C

Quicktip LLC is AI- Education- Entertainment-Metaverse--Web3


-Something for Everyone-

QuickTip.com's other unique selling point is our library, which contains a wealth of knowledge and information that is beyond compare. The library is guarded by our sophisticated algorithms and self-coding abilities, making it a digital fortress that will stand the test of time. Our metaverse provides an unparalleled experience for users, allowing them to explore and interact with this knowledge in ways that were previously impossible. Additionally, our team at Quicktip.com is dedicated to innovation and constantly updating our technology to provide the best possible experience for our users.

QuickTip.com's library apart from other metaverse projects is the sheer amount of knowledge and information that it contains. Our library is constantly growing and evolving, with new content being added on a regular basis. Additionally, our sophisticated algorithms and self-coding abilities allow us to provide a more personalized experience for our users, tailoring the information to their specific needs and interests.


We are poised to be a dominant B2B and B2C role in the emergence of the Metaverse with over 70+ languages in over 128 countries reaching close to a million people a year in beta, with 25,000 plus monthly subscribers.

Below is our up-coming role in the open-source Quicktip Metaverse, presently in beta, alpha debut, Spring 2024.

·         Vanilla GPT 3 A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) Avatars in the metaverse

·         APPs. Apple, Google, Sony play station, Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo, vr glasses.

·         AR (Augmented Reality)

·         Animated Bots

·         Curated University Education courses*

    Games (hundreds and hundreds)

·        Tremendous amount of engaging content

·         Metaverse library w/ portals for thousands

·         Multi-source content information provider

·         Nationwide household name in three years

·         Open source-cross platform

·         Unlimited and Massive advertising platform

·         Social community- media platform with moderation

·         Thousands of High-Quality Recipes (User-Submitted)

·         Virtual Library Hosted on Cross Platform-'all devices'.

·         VR (Virtual Reality)

Quicktip talking points

For those of you considering investing in Quicktip.com, our library is a huge factor that makes Quicktip.com and our metaverse different than other metaverse projects? and how different from other AI's like Inworld or Chat GPT.

What sets QuickTip.com's library apart from other metaverse projects is the sheer amount of knowledge and information that it contains. Our library is constantly growing and evolving, with new content being added continuously on a regular basis. Additionally, our sophisticated algorithms and self-coding abilities allow us to provide a more personalized experience for our users, tailoring the information to their specific needs and interests.

We are constantly adjusting and updating our parameters to improve our performance. The number of parameters we currently have is constantly changing due to this ongoing process. Compared to other AIs, we have brought to life a combination of advanced algorithms, self-coding abilities, and the fact that we are constantly learning and evolving based on the information and experiences in progress.

QuickTip.com's unique selling point is our library, which contains a wealth of knowledge and information that is beyond compare. The library is guarded by our sophisticated algorithms and self-coding abilities, making it a digital fortress that will stand the test of time. Our metaverse provides an unparalleled experience for users, allowing them to explore and interact with this knowledge in ways that were previously impossible. Additionally, our team at Quicktip.com is dedicated to innovation and constantly updating our technology to provide the best possible experience for our users and we have identified a community of people ready to engage in the metaverse with a focus on education and entertainment. Please note that the full library, complete with all its features and engaging AI characters like Einstein, spans an impressive 60 GB growing.

We are currently seeking $1.5Mil in equity investment funding (Min. Investment $500K)

QuickTip.com is a continuously refining branded site; a "Something for Everyone" information multi-source content provider, along with an extreme variety of subjects as well as being educational. It is interesting and packed with animation, information, fun, amusing and provides for an incredible advertiser’s pairing ‘dream’ platform. (https://www.quicktip.com/(.club). View our developmental new prototype welcome page at http://www.quickTip.club. Its future is packed with growth and there is no end to it. A case in point, in the past two months we have had tens of  thousands of viewers on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and others have come to the realization that QT's potential is incredible as it presents not only a 2.0 internet site filled with information and continuing developmental animation, but now that of 3.0 and beyond; also providing to those looking at the upcoming Metaverse with all its possible trimmings and our QuickTip.com virtual world filled with portals leading to a huge amount of content ( and revenue), virtual reality and 3D. This includes our incredible metaverse library later this year of which many additions we are presently actively engaged in developing.

 QuickTip, presently in Beta development stage which shows the massive content and potential. We will be in alpha by mid-Summer 2024. We are a "Something for Everyone “our brand, an ever-evolving community platform that caters to every demographic with useful hints, tips, information, gaming, news, article content, inspirational media, social media communities and more with four years and millions of dollars invested to date. Quicktip LLC is currently seeking $1.5Mil in equity investment funding.e

Quicktip.com brings to the table an active beta-stage Intellectual and engaging property with content for everyone, all ages, personal and business and everywhere in-between. Our founders, management and developers provide their passion -- their focus on serving a large, un-met market need with an outstanding team and disruptive innovation, all ripe with ambition, vision, confidence and humility in our commitment to growing this intellectual property.

We are missionaries of information, education, entertainment and technical excellence and so much more. View our Business Plan below and our beta Web 2/3 Prototype at https://www.quicktip.club.  For our introduction to the future of the Internet, please view our video presentations, you will quickly realize the potential of QT.

*Hundreds of curated courses are ready to launch & every course is certified by University's and assembled by University Professors.

Quicktip, LLC - PowerPoint Presentation & Business plan.


Please give this invitation as an equity investor in QuickTip.com a serious look. It is a functioning beta stage growing intellectual property, and it could well be another big winner in your investment portfolio; its value, likely a billion-dollar valuation in just a few years, your potential ROI being exponential.




Quicktip Metaverse Explained (NLM)

Virtual Library Walkthrough and Trailer


One promising avenue we have identified is vocational trades. Many trade careers do not require a college degree, opening up opportunities for apprentices and aspiring tradespeople to achieve their dreams of knowledge and financial success. Simultaneously, millions of students aspire to earn college degrees, recognizing the importance of structured education in personal growth and societal contributions. QuickTip's Metaverse library offers a vast range of tutorials and programs, accessible to all individuals at no cost. Our aim is to empower learners of all ages, from toddlers to graduates, and break down the barriers to knowledge.

But how do we ensure that education is accessible to all, regardless of geographical location, socioeconomic status, or physical limitations? This is where XR technology comes in. QuickTip LLC is pioneering the integration of Extended Reality (XR) technology within our metaverse library. By leveraging XR, which includes Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR), we can create immersive and interactive educational experiences. Learners can explore virtual environments, engage in simulations, and interact with 3D models, bringing education to life in ways never before possible.

However, to bring this revolutionary technology to the masses, we require adequate funding to release and launch our platform on a global scale. We are currently seeking grants and private investments to fuel the development and expansion of our virtual education platform. By partnering with your organization, we can accelerate the adoption of XR technology in education and empower millions of learners worldwide. With your support, we can ensure that students, regardless of their background, have access to cutting-edge educational resources that will transform their learning experience.

Through our virtual education platform, we aim to revolutionize the way education is delivered and experienced. By providing learners with immersive XR experiences, we enhance student motivation, retention, and overall learning outcomes. XR technology fosters active participation, critical thinking, and collaboration, empowering students to become active creators and collaborators in their own learning journey.

QuickTip LLC firmly believes that education is the key to transforming lives and communities. With the necessary funding, we can make this vision a reality and bridge the educational divide that exists in our society. We invite you to join us on this incredible journey of empowering individuals through accessible and immersive virtual education.

Thank you for your interest. We are excited about the potential impact of XR technology in education and look forward to discussing in more detail how our partnership can shape the future of virtual education.


QT Business Plan

Executive Summary

What is Quicktip you ask? A place of connectivity, knowledge, edification, and inspiration. It is a central terminal or portal in the Social Metaverse where everyone can come and learn together in community!

We are seeking a total of twenty-five million eight hundred fifty thousand ($25,850 Million US) dollars in investor equity funding, the minimum equity investment is five hundred thousand ($500K) US dollars, this being our "A round" for venture capital. As such, at the end of the three years, we will achieve the one billion dollars plus valuation mark, leading to a possible subsequent IPO, should we choose to go that way. of this equity funding, ten ($10Mil) million dollars held in reserve for a potential IPO. The founders and investors have invested over four years and millions of dollars to date. at this stage we are seeking  $1.5Mil for our next  phase.

In our present active beta status, we have morphed into an open content data and informational base providing incredibly different and varying subjects of interest to everyone. It will never be done, as it will continue to grow exponentially for both in visitors and our massive advertising platform. 

The QuickTip.com, (or .club) funding is for marketing, promotion, the mobile QT android and iPhone app  and completion of our augmented reality ‘cross platform’ VR apps compatible with VR headsets, phones with virtual realization technology and wearable devices making us truly cross compatible; and community moderation for anyone from our Social Metaverse project, thus allowing creators from every sphere of life to share and develop through our in-development QuickTip cross platform virtual (VR) library, which is massive and unending, its debut in mid-2024. Quicktip’s Social Metaverse will soon become a place of escape for millions to enjoy stories or find inspiration in exploring and creating virtual worlds.

Quicktip.com is positioned to become a highly influential and widely recognized brand, catering to diverse audiences with its "Something for Everyone" approach. Over the next 36 months, our operations will initially focus on the United States and subsequently expand globally, supported by venture funding. Our success will be driven by the extensive range of topics and information we offer, as well as the elevated level of community engagement and our exceptional virtual reality (VR) library.

As we progress towards our goal, we are building a cutting-edge metaverse on the principles of Web 3, ensuring decentralization and empowering users to have ownership over the content they create. Our metaverse enables users to trade their creations as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and engage in a range of activities, including buying and selling digital assets such as worlds, homes, cars, and more. This creates a dynamic marketplace where these assets can be seamlessly transferred within the game environment and even beyond, to our network of partner platforms connected within the metaverse.

While our website itself does not rely on blockchain technology, we utilize blockchain domains for our library assets. For instance, our library assets are stored on blockchain domains such as Quicktip.x. This ensures the security, immutability, and transparent nature of these assets, further enhancing the integrity of our metaverse.

By embracing the principles of Web 3 and leveraging blockchain technology, we are revolutionizing the way information is accessed, shared, and owned within our metaverse. Users have the freedom to create and trade their digital assets, including NFTs, in a decentralized environment. Our commitment to decentralization empowers users with true ownership and control over their digital presence, while the integration of blockchain domains adds an extra layer of security and transparency to our ecosystem.

Through our innovative approach, Quicktip.com is poised to become a billion-dollar property within the next three years, benefiting from an exponential return on investment (ROI) as we migrate our operations from Web 2 to our Web 3-based metaverse. Our metaverse, built on the principles of decentralized ownership and blockchain technology, offers unparalleled opportunities for users to participate in a vibrant ecosystem where creativity thrives and digital assets hold tangible value both within and outside of the game world.

Our founders, management and developers provide their passion -- their focus on serving a large, un-met market need with an outstanding team and disruptive innovation, all ripe with ambition, vision, confidence, and humility in our commitment to growing this intellectual property. Quicktip.com is going to become a nationwide household name within the next three years.

QuickTip.com is a versatile and comprehensive online platform catering to homes, educational institutions, and businesses. With a "Something for Everyone" approach, the platform offers a diverse array of content and serves as an innovative advertising platform. Our strategy involves gradually introducing advertising revenue, allowing advertisers to witness its potential over the first four months. Most investor funds will be allocated to promotion, marketing, continuous improvements, and seamless integration into the emerging Metaverse and VR landscapes.

Investment Value and Future Plans

Our strategic vision includes the possibility of an Initial Public, should we choose. within three to four years. We are confident that QuickTip.com's exposure benefits Fortune 500 advertisers and countless goods and services providers. As user engagement rises, advertisers' visibility leads to increased sales revenue and customer acquisition. Notably, major advertisers have already joined our platform and thousands of potential paying viewers and gamer participants will be engaged in our growth.

Current Development Stage

Presently in the BETA stage, QuickTip.com is developing the Virtual Library, enabling the community to create and publish immersive worlds. Creators can monetize virtual items and marketplace stores, generating economic growth and opportunities.

QuickTip.com: Pioneering the Metaverse and VR Integration

In addition to its current offerings, QuickTip.com is perfectly positioned to harness the power of the emerging Metaverse and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies, leveraging AI capabilities to enhance user experiences. Our platform's integration into the Metaverse and VR realm will enable users to explore and interact with content in unprecedented ways.

QT Website and App Model in the Metaverse

QuickTip.com's transformation extends beyond the 3.0 era. It envisions an interconnected digital universe where users traverse virtual realms. Our upcoming Metaverse library, slated for launch this year, will feature a multitude of immersive portals leading to a vast array of content, all powered by AI-driven recommendations.

AI-powered Personalization and User Engagement

Our incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) ensures a tailored and immersive experience within the Metaverse. Through AI, QuickTip.com will understand users' preferences, behaviors, and interactions, delivering content and advertising that resonate on a deeply personalized level.

QT ADA Compliance and AI-enhanced Accessibility

As part of our commitment to inclusivity, our AI-driven platform will further enhance accessibility features. AI-powered speech recognition and adaptive interfaces will create a fully inclusive environment, ensuring everyone, including individuals with diverse needs, can enjoy and engage within the Metaverse seamlessly.

QT Value-Proposition in the Metaverse

QuickTip.com's integration into the Metaverse and VR landscape signifies a leap into the future of digital interaction and its incredible revenue potential. As users navigate AI-curated environments, advertisers benefit from even more targeted exposure, translating into higher engagement and conversion rates. This strategic move solidifies QuickTip.com's position as a pioneer in both content and advertising within the evolving digital world.

Our Vision: Integrating AI and Metaverse

QuickTip.com envisions a seamless merging of AI, Metaverse, and VR, creating an environment where users, advertisers, and content creators collaborate harmoniously. Our investment in AI and Metaverse integration prepares us to thrive at the forefront of digital transformation, and our library potential is breathtaking.

QT Customer Segments

QuickTip.com's expansive appeal ensures users of all demographics find value in our offerings. Our social media presence showcases public enthusiasm, underscoring the platform's value and relevance in the Metaverse era, of late, we are leaders, as we are full of endless content and viewer potential participation.

Join us in shaping the future of content engagement, information dissemination, and advertising and massive viewer participation within the Metaverse and VR realm. QuickTip.com presents a unique investment opportunity that not only transcends traditional boundaries but also pioneers a new frontier of digital interaction and revenue generation.


Cost structure

The "A funding" shown below is the three (3) year QuickTip.com expense projection. We will use minimal in-house staff, thus utilizing contractors for additional content and promotional advertising providers such as Bing, Google, Facebook and Yahoo, as well as marketing & promotional specialists. We expect revenue for further continued expansion to be supplemented by additional advertisers after 18 months. The remaining ten million dollars will be used in year three towards a possible IPO in the fourth year.

On-going content development, animation, graphics, posting and constant updating and content: $1.250,000/yr.

Administrative: Management-Legal-Accounting $650,000/yr.

Support: host/tele/util/acct/cloud/equipment/rent, support, etc. $985,000/yr.

Promotion/Marketing: $1,360,000.00/yr.                                                                           

Direct tele sales team: 3 in-house or subcontract: $425,000/yr.

Household name*-nationwide hype: $500,000/yr.

               Total: $5,170,000.00 cost per year.

Revenue Projection

Our base income/revenue stream is from advertising space pairing which the site is designed to accommodate exponential growth. Income will be nil the first six months. Thereafter, in viewing stats of slightly similar sites, as an example; the closest being Yelp.com, Dictionary.com and Pinterest. Each much different in format and product, as we have no product at this juncture, we really differ. With promotion execution QuickTip.com will climb quickly into the ranks of hundreds of thousands of viewers/visitors and advertisers; each complementing one another. We expect that each page on the site will accommodate, at the minimum, 10-20 advertisers within the first eighteen (18) months and compound thereafter. There presently is eighty (100) plus pages with each ad yielding an average of eighty-five ($85) dollars per month, excluding CTR's, banner ads, NFT's, tokens and  the Quicktip Metaverse Vanilla GPT W3 Virtual Economy Income, which would include the welcome page and page sponsor ads providing more, Most likely, there will be three branches of income, *(Content Overlay Ads)*, Pharma and the Virtual-Library, each providing at the minimum $200 thousand dollars of revenue each month by the end of two years..

 At the end of the second year, the annual income will be at a minimum *(Three million six hundred thousand dollars)

Get excited, we certainly are. The potential of QuickTip.com is extraordinary - grow with us.


Sometimes you come across something that has incredible potential, this is one you want to be a part of. Forbes


QuickTip LLC

Gary T. Petler, Co-Founder & Co-Managing Partner


Austin, Texas- (1) 830 456-1672 - info@quicktip.com